Cambridge Carriage House Install
Cabinetry: Pomeroy & Co.
Photography: Jennifer Bakos
One of my favorite jobs I had while working at Pomeroy & Co was installing cabinetry. Pomeroy’s in-house millwork dept fabricated premium quality custom pieces for most projects. The guys who produced the work were professional craftsmen. Fitting their cabinetry into people's homes required a balanced combination of mental focus and fine hand skill.
For the Cambridge Carriage House, I had the opportunity to fabricate the fridge elevation. Reading shop drawings, grain-matching walnut sheet goods, and machining hinges for inset doors took time, patience, and guidance from the shop manager. Milling rough walnut into face frame parts was pure joy.
Being a part of the fabrication meant that I arrived on-site with a thorough understanding of how everything came together. The satisfying full-circle experience of this project carries into my work as a fabricator and installer at Zephyr and Ore Design Group.